Instructions for use Feronex

Most modern means to increase libido and potency are quite aggressive. Their active components cause sudden expansion of blood vessels and filling of cavernous bodies, increase blood pressure, make the testicles and cortex of the adrenal gland work several times more intensively, stimulating the production of testosterone. On the one hand, it gives an almost immediate effect, on the other hand it inevitably leads to wear and tear on the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems. Feronex capsules act more slowly, but do not have a harmful effect on other organs. Their prolonged effect is explained by the accumulative properties of the ingredients, i. e. they accumulate in the body, stably maintaining hormone production at a normal level without sudden jumps. in Romania, Feronex capsules are recognized as the safest.

Instructions for use Feronex

Feronex rinse with clean water

Capsules for male potency have a concentrated composition, so you should not take more than two capsules a day. The course of treatment should last at least a month, and breaks are not recommended. For symptoms indicating testosterone deficiency (below 12 nmol/l), take one capsule twice a day, morning and evening, before or during meals. You must take the medicine with clean drinking water without gas, because foreign flavoring and coloring additives can cause unwanted chemical reactions, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the capsules.

If erection problems are not of a systemic nature, but appear from time to time, for example, due to stress or an unhealthy lifestyle, prevention with Feronex capsules is recommended. How to use for prevention? One capsule once a day for two weeks. This will restore testosterone to normal, restore normal metabolism and restore psychological comfort.

Indications for use Feronex

The reasons for the emergence of erectile dysfunction, reduced libido and infertility can be different, but in most cases the root of the problem lies in the low level of testosterone. This is a very important hormone that affects the entire male organism. Indications for the use of Feronex are symptoms such as:

  • decreased sex drive;
  • weak or absent erection;
  • reduction of ejaculate volume and viscosity;
  • sexual intercourse does not bring pleasure;
  • chronic fatigue and psychological discomfort;
  • decrease in muscle mass, increase in visceral fat;
  • reduced hair growth, breast growth;
  • inability to conceive a child.

Contraindications: Who should not take Feronex capsules

During clinical trials in Romania, there were no cases of side effects from other organs and systems, including the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system. Capsules are contraindicated for children and adolescents, as well as people with cancer of the urinary system.